Fan Faces

Athletic Ambitions and Celebrity Tangles: Exploring the Sports Landscape, Unveiling Gambling Scandals, and Celebrating Community Ties

Amadu Jalloh & Andrew Pender

Ever wondered how a NCAA women's game holds up against the men's, or what it would take for a female player to challenge NBA norms? Beyonce, Michelle, Kelly, and I, Amadu the Great, unpack the athleticism and strategies fueling this year's tournament fever. Alongside, we serve a slice of nostalgia as I share a childhood dream involving Puff Daddy's Bad Boy label, and we dissect the complexities of Shohei Otani's recent gambling scandal, peeling back the layers of sports fame and fortune.

When the conversation turns to the gridiron, feel the electric buzz of the NFL offseason with us. We scrutinize the New York Jets' latest moves and the Buffalo Bills' quest for offensive prowess. The art of the game unfolds in our robust discussion, assessing how teams can stand tall in the face of giants like Patrick Mahomes. And, if celebrity escapades tickle your fancy, you're in for a treat. We take a gander at the curious case of Ohtani's translator, the raids shaking up Puff Daddy's empire, and the heartwarming to peculiar tales of love that challenge the norm.

To round off this whirlwind tour, join us in a heartfelt celebration of community and culture, as we spotlight Vicky Remo's WhatsApp platform, a beacon for Sierra Leoneans to connect and thrive. Plus, we invite you to become a part of our growing family, sharing insights and laughter along the way. Remember, whether it's the court's ballet or life's serendipitous symphony, there's always more behind the headlines. So, tune in and let's savor this journey together, one incredible story at a time.

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Speaker 1:

And Beyonce, michelle and Kelly Shout out to the people out there Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to another episode of Fan Faces with your boy, amadou, amadou the Great. It's been a while, but we're back at you, back at your neck, thought-provoking, thought-provoking, thought-provoking, big episode, big episode. You know, hit it off the park type of deal episodes. What ballpark? I don't know many baseball parks. I'd go with the most popular Yankee, Yankee Stadium, by the way. No, the Yankees are the most popular baseball team period.

Speaker 2:

Yes, globally they are the most popular. For anyone who's yes, globally they are the most popular. So for anyone who's been to a bunch of ballparks, they would not rank Yankee Stadium.

Speaker 1:

We're not talking about anybody that's been to a bunch of ballparks. We're talking about the casual I'm just walking around. We're talking Yankee Stadium, but I digress. Welcome to a fabulous, fabulous show of fan faces. It's been a while, andrew. What's happening in your life, man?

Speaker 2:

My life it's nothing, literally just it's been great. Why has it been great, man? Because, man, when you just go to work, take care of your kids, got a roof over your head, got a car to drive, job to go to Glory to God baby, it's all you got to do.

Speaker 1:

He's giving it all up to God.

Speaker 2:

All you got to do in life Just thank God for everything, everything else will take care of itself.

Speaker 1:

Will take care of itself, that's right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Life is good. You can't worry about what you can't control. This is true.

Speaker 2:

Worry only about what's within your vicinity, don't stress out out over the little things you can't control, and as long as you just keep a mindset of just thanking God for whatever you have, man, everything works itself out, that's a great mindset to have, man, great things ahead, I'm sure, in the future for you.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. You've got to manifest these things too. You know You're welcome.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I've been saying this for a while, but some of the topics at hand today that we will be jumping into we got the NCAA tournament happening right now in March Madness, that's happening. We got Puff Daddy and the family. You're right, you're right.

Speaker 2:

The great Puff Daddy You've always wanted to be part of Bad.

Speaker 1:

Boy when you were a kid yeah, the situation that's happening around that right now. And then we got Shohei Otani. That sure worked out in your favor to not join his group. I didn't have to. That's funny. They weren't going to pick me, it didn't matter. It's just Because you know I was me, it didn't matter. It's just you know it was manifested.

Speaker 2:

Maybe God manifests for you. He's like. You know what I'm going to do.

Speaker 1:

Man, I was a little boy. Nothing was good Back in that particular era. I was a little boy, so it didn't really even matter. But we got Shohei Otani and his translator and the gambling situation, which is just like insane, huge. But which is just like insane, huge. But let's get going on these topics. Scott, what?

Speaker 2:

do you got?

Speaker 1:

We got the NCAA tournament. We got the guys tournament. Going on simultaneously with the women's. Women's is awesome.

Speaker 2:

Why is the women's tournament awesome? You know what's so great? Because in the women's the players are there for four years. You're getting to know the teams. The quality of basketball, dare I say, is better than the guys because they've played with each other for so long. They know how to do the fundamentals even better than the guys. You know what I mean. The fan bases have got a chance to really connect with these players like it used to be in the college basketball in the old days.

Speaker 2:

It used to be like three, four years. They'd be in there for, I mean, patrick, you played for the Georgetown Hoyas for four or three years. Tim Duncan was with Wake Forest for four years and it matters. You know, people want to connect to these players, these one-and-donners that are going in and out. They don't. It just doesn't have the same pop. I mean, look at Kentucky. Oh Right, kyle Krier just resigned. He did, he did, he resigned as he should. Well, you see, but he's kind of like the godfather of the one and done for Kentucky. He's bringing all these great, all these fantastic names. Great basketball players went to the NBA to do great things. They won that one championship. I think it was 2012. I think that was the only one he ever won with Kentucky, with all those great basketball players.

Speaker 1:

Oh, there's a thing called continuity, and that works for literally every sport there is, and continuity wasn't there for John Calipari.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's difficult because the game has changed so much, because every single year he's bringing in a whole new crop of recruits that don't know each other, that don't know each other's playing style, that, the fan base. You know they're going to connect because this is their school, but they're not connecting with the players because the players haven't been there long enough to have a rapport with that particular individual superstar. So it's like, yeah, whatever we have, we have a super team. Every year we have a super team, but we don't have super chemistry. And you definitely need super chemistry when you're playing together, when you're playing as a team and trying to win these tournaments, where you're playing eight to nine games in a row back to back and, uh, you know, sometimes you're playing in your arena, sometimes you're not, and you need to. You know kind of like, you need to know your guys like the, the muscle reflexes that you have basically when you're playing and playing together for a long time builds that up, builds those muscles up. You, you know where a guy's going to be, how the guy likes the ball in a certain spot, and you know how to get them going and get you all back in motion Instead of. You know, this is our only year, first year and last year. Once we're done here, we never really have to play with each other. So there's no camaraderie there, there's no relationship.

Speaker 1:

The girls yes, it gives us an opportunity, really, since they're staying for four years and with the new NIL deals, some of these girls are also making good money staying in college, so there's even more of an incentive not to stay in college. And they're staying there for four years and they're breaking records. They're playing with each other and the fan base has a point of reference with each player and if they become like great, they're like. It's like you discovering a band before got big and you're. They have you as a forever fan because everywhere you go guess what? I was there before they were so and so I was there before they blew up. I was there when they were so-and-so, I was there before they blew up. I was there when they were selling CDs out of their trunk.

Speaker 1:

So that's basically what the women's basketball tournament is there's continuity, there's camaraderie with the girls, there's a fan following from the time that you committed to play for this college to the time that you're graduating. There's emotions connected to that, which is great. It's, you know, great for the girls as far as gaining popularity and it's great for the girls as far as earning uh, what's it called increasing their earnings. Because now people are going to be willing to uh, boosters are going to be willing to invest more in girls teams because they know that the girls are sticking around a lot longer and they're playing together and they have a big following because their tournaments have familiar names superstars that they go to, superstars that you're like hey, that's caitlin clark, or that's uh, so and so and that's whoever else, or that's so-and-so and that's whoever else.

Speaker 1:

I don't know the names of them because I don't really watch basketball period, but the camaraderie is good and the fact that you can follow these players from the first time they step into your program to three, four years down the line. It makes for an incredible fan base. So, caitlin Clark, who is the biggest superstar right now? There's a bunch of things going on around her. There's the big three trying to offer a $5 million contract to play in eight games, and it's either that or you go play in the WNBA and earn $75,000 your first year. I think they make more than that, don't they? I mean, no, that's what I saw. Is that what you saw?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, $75,000 your first year, but would Ice Cube have the rights to her, so would she not be able to go to— no, no, no, no, no, no, no no. It's just. Here's another opportunity for you to earn more money. It's not 64, 64 to 76 000 for the first year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it increases by a little over a thousand dollars each year thereafter. But you know what caitlin clark, since she's a star, endorsement deals are going to come in handy as well, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

That's why show heads are tiny. Took the deferred payments for the dodgers because he's already making like $50 million a year.

Speaker 1:

Shohei Otani is a completely different case.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm going to say. He makes a lot of money in his endorsements.

Speaker 1:

Yes, he does, but that's an outlier, different case, no comparison. Okay, go ahead, compare him to somebody else. Patrickrick mahomes, not caitlin clark.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying he makes money his endorsements, and so can caitlin clark yeah, yeah, but caitlin clark's never gonna make 50 million off endorsements I understand I'm just anyway go ahead I

Speaker 1:

got. If you're gonna compare him, compare him to patrick mahomes, okay, go ahead, all right. But uh, yeah, well, since we're at the topic she's going to make, she could make $5 million for eight games versus playing in the WNBA, playing year one, maybe get to the playoffs, and maximum, maybe plus bonuses, it's going to be over $75,000, maybe $78,000, $80,000 after it's all said and done, who knows? I don't know what the bonuses are in the WNBA, but there's a lot of people who are like, well, she's good enough to play with the men as well. I'm like, oh guys, slow your roll, slow your roll. That's a whole other ballgame. Guys, slow your roll, slow your roll, that's a whole other ballgame.

Speaker 1:

If it's shooting, you know, if it's just you know shooting and shooting, for sure she could definitely play with them. But if it's a physical game, you're here, we're bumping elbow to elbow, we're hip checking. You could be as tough as you want. You're going against me. I said that would be tough. I'm saying it would be tough to compete. Yeah, no, for sure It'd be tough as hell for her to compete, because now you're not only trying to put your shot up, you're trying to out-muscle a guy for a rebound. You're trying to out-muscle a guy for a position to get your ball to go, and the ball's bigger for the guys, so slow your roll, caitlin, and go play in the big three, you and go play in the big three.

Speaker 2:

You're fine, clayton. She's doing just fine. She has a great and bright future ahead of her With the women, with the women.

Speaker 1:

She's just fine In the WNBA, not the NBA. I'm not hating on you, caitlin, no one's talking about the NBA.

Speaker 2:

No one's even bringing that up. No, no, no.

Speaker 1:

That was brought up. You know the internet, oh you know, the internet. The internet brings all this stuff.

Speaker 2:

Screw the internet. It's stupid. The internet. A lot of it's garbage anyway. It's just hypotheticals that you know that it's non-existent. So she's been fantastic for the tournament and same with LSU. It's nice to see them. They're back in it. I think they're back in the. They just won tonight so they're going to the Elite Eight. So they got a chance to continue to defend their title. Uconn destroyed Illinois and a lot of people thought that was going to be a close game because Illinois had a very good offense and boy did UConn. Shot them down, uconn. They're looking great to be first-backed by champs since I think it was 91-92 Duke, I think it's been over 30 years since there's been a league championship.

Speaker 1:

Uconn's crazy. You don't expect them to be this good, because during the regular season it's just like golly, they don't do much. But then come playoff, there's a switch and it goes on and then they just go and if you're in their bracket, wash out.

Speaker 2:

Well, they're off to the Final Four. So UConn is two wins away of becoming back-to-back champs and that would be number six championship for UConn. That would tie North Carolina.

Speaker 1:

Wow, they're just sneaky, not crazy they're sneaky good. They're so good and nobody pays attention to them when they're talking about the great schools Isn't that something? But then they just do it, they do it and then what Kentucky has eight.

Speaker 2:

So that would be. The next step is tying Kentucky and getting close to eight championships.

Speaker 1:

They sneak up in there. Nobody knows their first title was in 1999.

Speaker 2:

So what they've done in the past, what 25 years. 25 years and that Six championships like that Very very good.

Speaker 1:

Jim Calhoun, being at Syracuse for forever, only had one title oh, jim Boeheim. Jim Boeheim. Jim Calhoun is for Connecticut UConn, jim Boeheim.

Speaker 2:

Jim Boeheim. One title, one title.

Speaker 1:

Not have been there for as long as he was.

Speaker 2:

Should have been two but Keith Smart, 1987. With that shot and my poor guy Ronnie Cyclic's assault going Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

It's brutal. Hey, such is life, my friend Mm-hmm. The chips fall as they may.

Speaker 2:

Should have been his first title, but oh well, I was too young to even remember that song.

Speaker 1:

But let's keep it pushing here, maintaining the sports aura. It's the nfl offseason, but there's a lot to talk about free agency. Who do you think is winning this, uh, winning this? Uh? The headlines. It seems that signs a lot of players. I don't know which teams are signing lots of players right now, because most teams right now, man, they're fiercely quiet. No, actually the jets have been signing some players, lots of players right now, because most teams right now, man, they're fiercely quiet. No, actually the Jets have been signing some players, lots of players. Jets have been making a lot of moves. Yeah, miami lost some players. Buffalo has been losing a lot of players. No, buffalo under the radar, signing some depth pieces.

Speaker 2:

They're going to need a lot of help. They need a lot of help with wide receivers. They need help with that offensive line. They don't need help with wide receivers. You don't think they?

Speaker 1:

need help with wide receivers. No, okay, because here's the thing right. Buffalo has always been playing this high-powered offense game where they're slinging the ball all over the field.

Speaker 2:

Which is essentially Josh Allen dependent the whole time. Yes, they have no running game. They couldn running game, so they couldn't. They couldn't. Uh, derrick henry, they couldn't bring him in to help.

Speaker 1:

No, they don't need derrick, henry, they don't need derrick, they do not. Okay, they do not. James cook is doing fine. He just needs to be. He just needs to get more implemented and the running backs that they had last year towards the end they were doing well.

Speaker 1:

If they maintain that, they bolster up the offensive line, the game in the nfl is to keep my team on the field and keep keep my offense on the field and keep the other team's offense off the field. So how do you do that? You run the ball, you develop your run game, right, yeah, and then you keep patrick mahomes watching the game and out of rhythm, you slinging the ball all over the field and going crazy. It's not going to do that. Getting the best wide receivers in the world great, you have them. Now. What do you do? You go score. And then Patrick Mahomes comes back and scores. Alright, you don't want to do that. You want to keep Patrick Mahomes off his kilter, off his wave and you know, do what you got to do with the ball Run the clock out.

Speaker 1:

If it's 13 seconds, damn near. Eat up the 13 seconds. Kick your field goal and make it happen Succeed. What's been giving buffalo problems is their defense every single time that they lost in the playoffs. It's been a defensive failure. 13 seconds defensive failure that was. That was brutal, that was a fireball offense as much as I like, shot my thermite.

Speaker 1:

That was a fire. So you know, this year they're, they're what's it called? Their kicker missed a field goal, right. And then they go into. They go into uh oh, 13 seconds, what they? They kicker missed a field goal, right. And then they go into 0-2 13 seconds.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Their kicker missed a field goal in regulation.

Speaker 2:

I'm not blaming the kicker on that game no, no, no, I'm not blaming him. Well, he missed a field goal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he missed a field goal.

Speaker 2:

That should never even have gone down to that point.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, the defense always seems to sputter. So what you do is keep your defense off the field, keep your offense on the field, run the ball, make the gimmies and go win games. Keep.

Speaker 2:

Patrick Mahomes off the field, that easy.

Speaker 1:

That's a formula that seems to. They just seem to. It is that easy. Okay, if you know they have the personnel you should like, you should go talk, no, no, you should go talk to Sean McDermott.

Speaker 2:

You're like you know what, just score more points into the team. No you know, You'll win every time.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not about just that is. No, you can score more points, but you got to also keep that other team off the field. You can't be like, okay, we go score super quick and then they come back, they score. My defense is depleted because they were just off the field. Now they're back on the field, man, that's what. And then, to top it off, sean McDermott keeps making second-guess calls, like all of a sudden, timeout, timeout, I need to reset my defense. And then, boom, they go scoring you because your defense is not playing free. What are you going to do, crazy? At that time you've coached them Just let them play, let them play, let the game go. Whatever comes out, comes out. You never used to see Bill Belichick go out there like call the timeout. He coaches defense. The Malcolm Butler.

Speaker 2:

Super Bowl. When he's got that, they let the clock dwindle and dwindle and no timeout, and then it reset and they just like that. No, that's what he does. I know he just let them do. He's like okay, see how much you can do, I'm gonna let the clock run out and you have one more play. Exactly.

Speaker 1:

It's on. You Don't call a timeout and give them an opportunity and then have you guys on edge, because now you're second guessing yourself. But that's besides the point. Um, so I mean the nfl, it's happening. Free agency, it means nothing really. The team that I have, the team that I have my eye on next year, is the chargers. I could bet them today, market, book it, bookmark it to make it to the AFC championship. Wow, simply because of their coach, they got the quarterback?

Speaker 2:

Wow, they do. They got a good squad but they're going to make the AFC. So you know they're in the same division as the Kansas City.

Speaker 1:

Chiefs yes, they can make it to the AFC championship. They can get a wild card and not play Kansas City until they have to, and then it'll be them and Kansas City in the AFC Championship.

Speaker 2:

It's very possible, because they're going to play physical. They're going to play physical. They could still play Kansas City in the first round if Kansas City gets a number one seed?

Speaker 1:

No, if Kansas City gets a number one seed, they won't play them because Kansas City will have a bye.

Speaker 2:

But if the Chargers were like the lowest seed, like a seven seed, they would play them.

Speaker 1:

No, it's possible, but I feel like Jim Harbaugh is a coach. He's going to muddy the waters, he's going to make it a smash in the football game.

Speaker 2:

I wish he gave the.

Speaker 1:

Buffalo. I'm not going to lie. But whatever, he's going to make it a smash in the football game. That's what he did for San Francisco the years that the Giants made it to the Super Bowl. When the Giants played against San Francisco, it was a low-scoring game and you'd think it was a defensive-headed coach over there, but it wasn't. It was an offensive-minded coach. Right, and you know, that's the bucket though. The bucket Chargers AFC Championship. What's going to happen?

Speaker 2:

with the Bills. I'll put money in there. The Bills are in the division. You think they're going to win the division. I don't. Why not, I don't know. Let's see what happens. I think that well, they've been together longer than the Jets, so we'll see. But the Jets have a good squad If they can stay healthy. But then again they are the Jets and they will find a way to mess this up.

Speaker 1:

Anything's possible, right, but let's move on from this. We got Shohei Otani. Yeah, he says he didn't make that bet. Of course that's what he's going to say. He says it's his translator that made that bet, that owes all that money, but his smoke is always fire. Yeah, he probably said, bro, make that bet. Now you got to take the fall from me. I'll give you some money on the low Shh, be quiet, I'll make more than enough. Yeah, I'll take care of you and your family, don't worry about it. Just take this for now, because if he doesn't, shohei Ohtani could be banned from baseball for life, and then everybody loses. So, shohei Ohtani, you don't speak English very good, so this is your excuse. You get to escape with this one.

Speaker 2:

Well, see, they've been investigating the whole situation, but you know, that's all he said. You know, hearsay kind of talk right out this moment.

Speaker 1:

So until anything like legit comes out, you know, I don't know, you know what I mean Nothing legit is going to come out, man, they fired a guy, so you shut up or we come after you and your family and we all can't lose. So that's what's going to happen with Shohei Otani Keep it low, low, low, low. But what's happening in pop culture? What have you heard about Puff Daddy and the family Andrew?

Speaker 2:

Sounds like he's in a lot of trouble. His house in Miami and Los Angeles have been raided and it seems they're confined. A lot of people that is, in his inner circle are people around him, that whole environment. I've kind of been speaking out and saying, you know, we're not surprised about some of the allegations that are going on. So, yeah, it's another one hits the fan. Yeah, it hits the fan man, just like what happened with R Kelly, and R Kelly was saying, oh yeah, we saw this happening. But a lot of stuff, you know, they get away with it because they make a lot of money and a lot of people that are in, well, they have influence.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of people that depend on them. They're not going to tell them no when they say they want to do something. They're just like oh, you want to do it, okay, let's make it happen for you. Well, with Puff Daddy, at this moment in time he's not in jail, he has not been arrested, none of that. That. He's just. You know he was down in miami partying with stevie j. Is that what, stevie? That's what I hear.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so a little backstory 97 98, fresh out of the book, fresh out of the plane, new kid in black from sierra leone, west africa. I was outside you feel me, puff daddy and the family and m a dollar sign e-L-A-S-I-N-E Mace. My guys, I wanted to be part of them so much. But with these allegations I'm like, god damn, excuse me, pardon me, let me duck and get the hell up out of here. I don't want that smoke, true or not true. It's kind of detrimental to your future, especially because, you know, whatever money, whatever ways that Puff Daddy has allegedly, whatever ways that he has to earn income allegedly, he would have to sell all that off so that way he wouldn't be a distraction Like a revolt.

Speaker 2:

I'm just curious how this, why this is all happening now and didn't happen 10 years ago or 15 years ago, right now there's a there's a saying in sierra leone there's 99 days for a thief, one day for the master house.

Speaker 1:

You understand that saying no explain all right.

Speaker 1:

Well, you could be crazy and do all the foolish things you want, but one day it'll be your time to come home and stew, it'll be your time to get caught, or your time for your debt to come due as debts come due, I guess. So. So you could be that guy that's like yo, I'm untouchable, take that, take that. And then one day you're like nah, dude, you keep that, keep that, we're coming for you. And that's just what's happening. 99 days for the thief, one day for the master house. And the masters have come. Now, puff Daddy, pay up your debt.

Speaker 1:

Allegedly he did all these things. He's having affairs. He's very free sexually. Allegedly, go ahead. You got to say allegedly because he hasn't been found guilty in the court of law. You got to say allegedly because he hasn't been found guilty in a court of law. It's just FBI agents, fbi agents, federal agents running around. You know going into his houses and you know looking for stuff. So allegedly he's not guilty of anything until he goes to court and that proves differently. But we go on to this next story. You got conjoined twins that got married to one man. What do you say to public? I think it's great he's having a menage a trois every night. Stop, stop. It's a special man every night.

Speaker 2:

I think it takes a wonderful person to see the beauty in the situation. All right, god bless them both. I wish them many years of love and happiness.

Speaker 1:

But there's one thing I got to say. I always have this thing where I feel like they're pushing celebrities down our throats for us to like them and they're like they're the next it thing.

Speaker 2:

Okay so who are you referring to now?

Speaker 1:

There's this girl, tyler. Who's Tyler? Tyler is a singer from Johannesburg. Okay, she's a mixed girl. She's real pretty, so who's pushing?

Speaker 2:

her down your throat. Social media, social media. She's everywhere she is. I haven't heard of her.

Speaker 1:

Well, I only use the Facebook, but she's on Instagram, she's on YouTube Real popular, she's real popular. She just released an album. She's good. You like her music? She had her song Water, which was her big breakout hit. I listened to the album. I wasn't really impressed. I was just like, eh, we're good. But I say all this to say this Tyla is super pretty, but I wouldn't date her. She's more like a trophy instead of an actual real person. That's what she comes up to me like. Why do you say that? The type of woman I like tyler's too skinny, yeah but who cares if you're in a date or not?

Speaker 2:

do you like the music? Do you like no, no, no, her music, her music is okay.

Speaker 1:

Okay then what's the problem? That's the problem. She's super pretty, she's just too pretty, she's too pretty.

Speaker 2:

Too pretty. I like that. That's cool. Too pretty, she's too pretty for me.

Speaker 1:

No, no, she's too pretty and therefore I couldn't imagine being like yo, this is my girl. Because it seems unrealistic, of course, to have her as. Because it seems unrealistic, of course, to like have a girl. She would date you. She wouldn't date me. She doesn't even know who the hell I am. This is true. I'm a guy out in the middle of nowhere With her four downloads Love it, baby? Hey, I love it. She's doing well, I guess, but she's just like what power to you, man.

Speaker 2:

It's awesome. Go, you know go. Shouts out to the Africans making music.

Speaker 1:

You know getting it in, tyler, you're not my kind of girl, but I'll definitely troll you out there as a trophy. Be like yo. Check out my fine person, but I wouldn't date her, okay. But yeah, that's it, guys.

Speaker 1:

Today's episode is sponsored by 19 Strings for the Heart Support the guy, andrew Andrew's a script writer too, on the low, so he may come out in a movie. Watch out, I'm going to have you in it too. I will be in it. You would be in it. I definitely will be in it. It'll be my acting debut and also and debut, and also today's episode, fan fate.

Speaker 1:

Today's episode of fan face is sponsored by uh final cuts media. We got our uh final cuts media music on youtube, on uh apple, on spotify, on all streaming platforms. Check out mr press, check out young shark, check out el cash. Music is everywhere Audio Mac for our African listeners, but mainly iTunes, spotify and all the Amazon and all the other streaming platforms. If you want to listen to their music, check them out. Pretty awesome artists. And also thank you to Vicky Remo for opening up the platform on WhatsApp so that serial unions can connect, and I've been getting you know, I've been promoting my stuff on there and I've been getting positive reviews from my fellow serial unions and I love it. I love the fact that I get to connect with people I wouldn't have imagined in a thousand years. But now, vicky Ramon, you've put me in a room with all of them and I appreciate that, appreciate you, thank you. That's pretty much it, guys.

Speaker 2:

You're doing well, man. You're doing well for your country. That's awesome, I'm trying to.

Speaker 1:

You're doing well, Trying to get the guys the music out, the people out, the culture out. You guys got a lot of good stuff I like it.

Speaker 2:

I like it.

Speaker 1:

Let's just keep building one brick at fan face. Okay, this episode of fan faces you can find on youtube for the video, but on all you can. You can subscribe to the channel if you want to listen to more of the podcasts or you want to catch up on the ones that you've missed, and also to listen to the audio. That's on uh, it's on spotify, it's on uh itunes podcast and it's on all. It's on iTunes podcast and it's on all streaming platforms that stream podcasts distributed everywhere. So catch us, give us a rating, tell a friend to tell a friend, listen to our silky smooth voices, cause we outside. Alright, thank you guys. Have a nice night. Thank you you.

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