Fan Faces

Unleashing Sports Mania: Delving into Athletes' Legacies, Controversies, Determination vs. Skill, and Behind-the-Scenes Finance

Amadu Jalloh & Andrew Pender

Get ready for an adrenaline rush! This high-octane discussion will take you on a whirlwind tour through the world of sports, shedding light on the most riveting controversies and athletes. From Draymond Green's worrying lack of sportsmanship to the awe-inspiring contract of Shohei Otani, and the contentious debate around Giannis and the ball - we've got it all. It's not just analysis either; we're tackling the hard questions, like if sheer determination can trump skill in the realm of sports. So, grab your headphones and brace yourself for an unforgettable ride!

We're not just about the gossip, though. Our deep-dive into Draymond Green's on-court antics will leave you reeling, while the stories of NBA legends like Kobe Bryant and Kevin Garnett will inspire awe. If you're a fan of the "freight train" himself, Giannis Antetokounmpo, you're in for a treat! But wait, there's more. We're taking you behind the scenes into the world of sports finance as we dissect the wealth and legacies of Messi and Otani and how they're changing the game. Plus, we're touching on heartwarming moments, like a teammate scoring his first-ever NBA points.

Rounding off, we'll explore Cam Newton's observations about the influence of the drafting team on a player's success - a fascinating perspective for any sports enthusiast. Lionel Messi's decision to reject an offer from the Saudi League in favor of Inter Miami will also come under our microscope. And as a cherry on top, we have music on various streaming platforms and our YouTube channel to keep you entertained. So are you ready to join us on this exhilarating journey? Let's go!

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Speaker 1:

Amadou, amadou, and great Andrew will be joining us real soon. He will be stepping into the frame here, but first and foremost as you can see, the green, white and blue shots out to the Sierra Leone people, and also, it is holiday season on the planet. It's holiday season all around the world. But home base guys, the JC's are there, they've landed. Don't worry, though. You have 11 months with the girl. The JC only has one month with the girl. Maybe give or take some, so don't worry about none of that. She's all yours. The moment they got it said, her money goes away, so the both of you can enjoy Two times, three times as much. There isn't much more to say about that. Huh, let's go, let's get on the show. Man, let's get on the show. So some of the topics we'll be getting into today we got Shohei Otani's contract, making them the richest athlete out there based upon contracts alone. We got Janice and the issue with the ball. We got Draymond Green and his ongoing issues with the authority, and then we got Cam Newton speaking his piece, and it's the holiday season.

Speaker 1:

There's a number of things that spike up during the holiday season. Of course, there's the spirit of giving, but there's also the spirit of taking, and we'll speak more on that later on in the show. But let's get going, andrew. What's up, man? How's it hanging? How's life treating you? Life is good. Life is good. I love it. That's what's up, man. Love it. What are some of the topics that are going to? What are some of the topics? What are some of the things that have been going on in your life or that have been, that have gotten national attention, that are tickling your fancy?

Speaker 2:

Well, the show had a tiny number one. Okay, I love that. And then what else we got well in the news media it's the Cancer DeChise lost to the Buffalo Bills. And how they Lost with that great play by Travis Kelsey and got neglected because of the off sides by K Darius Tone KT. Yeah, a very fast receiver Always seems to get open. He's not fast, he's twitchy?

Speaker 1:

Okay. Well, very twitchy, none of us. He could beat you inside a phone booth, okay.

Speaker 2:

What else other than that? And then the NBA tournament was going on. We like, we just won that, yeah. And they're going to be hanging up a banner their next home game on the 18th of December. And people are upset about that because they have 17 championship banners and they say, hey man, we don't need conference title banners, you don't need division banners, you don't need this stuff. But the Lakers won't do it. It's stupid.

Speaker 1:

They won a championship, they worked as hard for it as they would have. I mean, it's a one and done kind of tournament, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

It was like a four game in season tournament. It's great.

Speaker 1:

They won it. They played the hardest, they wanted it the most and everybody got $500,000 bonus. They wanted it the most.

Speaker 2:

I don't believe this. They wanted it more than they did. I never liked when they said it. It's like when you go to the Super Bowl. Well, they wanted it more than you did. I really didn't. It just happened to get some breaks and someone made a couple plays more and they won the game. They wanted it more than you Shut up. Nah, they don't do that.

Speaker 1:

All right, andrew, between you and I. I played sports. You played sports, not organized. I played organized sports. Yes, it does come down to who wants it more. Because you're willing to try that much more, You're willing to sell out that much more. Yes, you get some breaks that land your way, but you're willing to sell out that much more because you want it more. You're willing to battle more. You're willing to fight harder, because where it seems like they've stopped you, you bust through another one.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but it's almost like like a basketball game. Sometimes this comes down to did the shot go in or not? It doesn't mean you wanted it more, that shot just happened to go in. Okay, let me say you played harder than I did.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no. Let me say this you could play harder, but you also have to have skill. So the team that has the most skill in that wanted it more. It usually wins. You go back to the one more.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so. I would agree with that when it gets to like did you make the playoffs? You know they didn't seem like they wanted it.

Speaker 1:

And the NBA when they play for the championship games. It's a series like a seven game series.

Speaker 1:

And the one and done. It's literally who wants it more in a seven game series it doesn't matter. You can have some lucky bounces but at the end of the day the best team wins In a seven game series. In a seven game series, the best team wins Because you could be lucky and have all the lucky breaks and you could want it more. But if you're not good in a seven game series, you just can't do it. But in a one and done situation, if you want it more and you're better and you get all the breaks, more power to you. But if you want it more and you don't get all the breaks and you're not as good, then don't win it. So that's where I'm coming from, that's it. So shot to my brother, the brother of the J. We outside maybe come put that banner up.

Speaker 2:

I do, no, I don't.

Speaker 1:

I like LeBron James, but come on, let's put that banner up, baby. He has one more championship that Michael Jordan doesn't got. You heard we outside Anyhow, my blood was boiling a little bit there Just have to get that out.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure there was an in season tournament, jordan to want to want a couple of those Maybe. Possibly, but the NBA at that time didn't need an in season tournament because people watched the NBA in December and in February or, I'm sure, in November.

Speaker 1:

Did they though? Yeah, the number said so.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was very popular. I mean, that was one of the favorite things is, when the NBA schedule came on, I would circle all the home heat games that I would hopefully, god willing, could go to, and, and times of change and the whole world is yeah, because nobody cares. It's amazing that I'm getting more money today than it did then, yep, but yet people seem to really kind of almost care less about the NBA as it did back then. The NBA was so popular in the 90s it really was.

Speaker 2:

In the 90s it was absolutely so popular and it was primarily dominated by one team.

Speaker 1:

Well, you could be right, or it could just be nostalgia, because when you tell stories, that's sure I and looking back at them because there's some commercials like the Mentos commercial. It doesn't matter what comes fresh goes better With Mentos, fresh and full. That commercial. Good job, memory, that commercial. Yeah, I love that commercial. Do you really Nostalgia? Wow, I'm like, oh, it's the greatest commercial ever.

Speaker 1:

It takes me back. Good job, okay. So with that in mind, it could just be you and nostalgia. Maybe people did really love the NBA that much. The skill wasn't the best.

Speaker 2:

NBA Inside Stuff with a Bob and Sean Willow Bay that was my. It was better than all the decided morning cartoons. Watch the little save by the bell and things like that. 12 o'clock NBA Inside Stuff, that was my favorite show. That's 1992. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's great. I loved it. I'd ask you. Great that you could look back on it in such fun. Love it, Love and light. It's great. So we're going to go on to today's topic. We got two topics basketball related. We got Yanis and Tatecumpo out here getting these points. We got Dre Montgrain out here slapping dudes because he thinks he's all with all the smoke. He's now with all the smoke. Dre Montgrain, it was a long time coming. You kick LeBron James in the balls. You deserve to be suspended indefinitely. But you weren't suspended indefinitely because of what's the playoffs? Everybody's crying about it. Nobody cares. Dre Montgrain, it's a long time coming. You kick LeBron James in the balls. You choked that guy. What's his name? The French guy? I forgot the team. He recently choked him, Got five games for that and now finally, he slaps Youssef Nerkic. Oh, pardon me, it's an accident. No, bro, you meant to do that and you deserve to be suspended indefinitely because you're out here.

Speaker 2:

Not being a sportsman at all, you got Subonis' chest and the playoffs against the Kings he stomped on Subonis' chest, stomped on him.

Speaker 1:

You got oh my bad mistake, dre Montgrain. Man, you kept doing foolish things. You kept he's a person that plays stupid games and doesn't hope to win the stupid prizes. But now you've won a stupid prize. You have a contract you just recently got signed oh, a lot of money. They're paying them at the superstar. They're going to have to take some of that money back. Bro, you snooze, you lose baby Kyle and Kyle heard you keep fighting for Dre Montgrain. Dre Montgrain keeps doing goofy things because he works for the volume. You keep oh yeah, dre Montgrain, baby, baby, baby. No, dre Montgrain's an idiot. You go there, you play the game. Sportsmanship counts. Stop kicking people. Stop stomping on people. Stop hitting people in the face. It's a game of basketball. Play by the rules. There's no need for you to be the bully. Sure, it doesn't call for that. Play the game. Not necessary For you to get suspended indefinitely. You deserve that. It was a long time coming. What?

Speaker 2:

was his suspension, Do they?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I know it's indefinitely, but they deserve it.

Speaker 1:

That just means they haven't made a decision yet, but hopefully they don't make a decision to like five years from now, put them on the bench. If you truly love basketball, you will truly regret all the decisions you made to like people.

Speaker 2:

It's interesting to see if somebody actually like one day he just starts something with the wrong guy and the wrong guy just, absolutely just beats the living crap out of him on the basketball floor.

Speaker 1:

The wrong guys are no longer in the game of basketball. Dre Montgrain is one of the tough guys down in basketball. You don't have a Kevin Garnett in there. Imagine Dre Montgrain starting stuff with Kevin Garnett. Imagine that that would be some smoke. Or Stephen Jackson? I'm saying like oh Stephen Jackson. Or Meta World Peace. Imagine that, dre.

Speaker 2:

Montgrain, I have to go back to the run-out test because Meta World Peace would bring peace.

Speaker 1:

Nah, meta, world Peace will probably be with all the smoke too. Or you thought this was a game? Nah, dre Montgrain. Nah, I'm with it. I'm with it today. It's over for you. That would be crazy. Kevin Garnett, stephen Jackson, ryan Arthas he's a very insightful guy.

Speaker 2:

I mean Dre Montgrain. He listens to his podcasts and stuff. He's very well thought out, so she's just so incredible that he always seems to find himself in these situations.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't have skill, so he resorts to violence. If you have skill, play the game play the game.

Speaker 2:

You just play defense. All you have to do is play defense.

Speaker 1:

No, he plays defense and decides I want to slap people in the face, I want to kick people in the nuts. Don't do that. It's not the game. Play the damn game. That's my frustration.

Speaker 1:

I've played sports. No, not at that level that Dre Montgrain played, not even nearly close. But when people poke, you play the game. Show them that you can play. That's how you get back at them, slapping them, kicking them, punching them. It's not how you show that yo, I got skill, because if you show me you're better than me, it shuts me up. What the hell am I going to do? What the hell am I going to do? You show me that I can't guard you. All right, cool, I need to shut it up and maybe work on my game more. Next time I come, maybe put up my bet. Next time I come, maybe put my best foot forward against you. Not next time I come, I need to maybe get some brass knuckles, just in case.

Speaker 1:

That's not the game of basketball. Yeah, it's a physical game. Sure, it's one-on-one and you have to get physical with people. Stop hitting people. It's not the game. Show them that you're better than them. Show them on your skill. Dribble to the basketball court. Dribble to the hoop, man, let that thing hang, boy, hammer it down. You feel me? Or maybe even I refer, maybe start stuff with Dennis Rodman.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I tell you, there was a lot of just awesome tough basketball players, Maybe even Sajig in the 90s and there in the 2000s, Even Kobe. Kobe was just, he was ruthless. Kobe has everything. I don't want to address him. I don't want to address him. He was six foot. I'm like I'll have about 150, 160 pounds. I mean, how many times does he try to fight him? Wow.

Speaker 1:

That's because I don't want to address him. Invade him with a skill oh yeah, he's so good and then they didn't like that so much. He made everybody. He put everybody on skates. He did so they didn't like that, he did. But speaking of tough guys, we got Yana Santin to Kumpo, the freight train of NBA. He's big, strong and fast and moves like a freaking. Wow, get out of the way If you stay in front of him. Don't do that. You don't want that. But what's going on with the Greek freak Angel?

Speaker 2:

He scored that 64 points because he did it in a paper. He paced his game the other night in Milwaukee and wanted the basketball, but unfortunately as soon as the game ended, the paces ran off with it. Why?

Speaker 1:

did. The paces ran off with it.

Speaker 2:

One of their teammates scored a couple points His first ever points in an NBA game and they wanted to give him the ball. He scored two points.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if those two points no, no, no. If he was in basketball it was two Right, I don't know what he ended the night with.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying he scored his first points of his NBA career that night and they took the ball to give to him. Even the Yonahs on this night happens to score 64. I know what that says, which is a franchise record. Nobody in Milwaukee history has ever done that.

Speaker 1:

Yonahs just needs to do that again so he can take the game ball home this time. Oh my God, that's all he needs to do.

Speaker 2:

If I was that pace I'd be like you can have the ball, bro. You scored 64,.

Speaker 1:

That's all. They both want the ball. It's a memorabilia that you could if that player that scored his first point in the NBA in the NBA game.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I scored my first points in the night that Yonah scored 64. No, not the ball.

Speaker 1:

Let's say that's a highlight of his life. Or maybe he becomes a superstar. This is the beginning of his NBA career and this cements his legacy. Moving forward Cements his legacy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, his legacy and his mind Do these soft talk about their legacies all the time. I was left like people 100 years from now are gonna look at them and be like, wow, amazing, they come on.

Speaker 1:

You may not look at them like wow, but remember the nostalgia when you tell a story for the third time, for the 10th time, 20 years down the road.

Speaker 2:

No one's gonna talk about his two points that he scored that night in the mall. It's a great story. You may not, but he will.

Speaker 1:

Him and his family. There you go.

Speaker 2:

No, it's a beautiful thing, but I'm just saying he scored 64, give it to him.

Speaker 1:

Yonah scored 64,. This guy scored two points.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, give you back Karma. If you're an Indian soft fashion, give it to the man. Give him his flowers. Yonah's, do it again. That's what it's. That's what it's. 64 points, that's so easy.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's Yonah's yes, he can do it again, all right, if he can't do it again, it wasn't meant to be. Oh, stop. Yonah said it's a kumpo, the Greek freak, aka the Nigerian nightmare on another universe, cause you have Nigerian ancestry, you know, of course. But let's keep it moving. Chug-a-chug-a-chug-a. So there's two stories here, right? Shohei Ohtani gets spade the most. Yes, three things going on here. Shohei Ohtani gets spade the most, but defers his money. Yes, 10 years down the line. Okay, it's really like a 20 year contract. Okay, bobby Bonilla gets his money from the New York New York Mets, defers it down the line. So he gets, he gets spade a billion dollars every June, july 1st, or something like that.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you know what I'm saying? Yep, he goes to like what. I think it's so 2035. So it's played in 2000.

Speaker 1:

So long after Shohei Ohtani retires and probably goes back to Japan, does whatever he does, he'll still be getting paid, but Shohei Ohtani getting paid that much? Shohei Ohtani wouldn't have been the athlete to get paid the most. You know who would have been Lionel Messi going to the Saudi Arabia League, the Saudi League. They were willing to pay him a billion dollars. That's true, 400 million, almost a billion dollars, 400 million a year for him to play in the Saudi League. He turned that down to come to America. He played for Miami and played for Inter Miami. I'm out here in Miami. What's up? Sexy rad Looking like young thug.

Speaker 2:

That's when you get to a point when you make so much money and you're so famous and someone says I'll give you a billion dollars, and then you just stick to yourself. What do you do with a billion dollars? I don't need a billion dollars. I want to go have some fun. I'm going to go to Miami.

Speaker 1:

It's not that Messi doesn't need it. Messi doesn't need it. Okay, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Hear me out.

Speaker 1:

Messi's contract with America will be far more lucrative in the sense that he'll be in American culture moving forward forever, Cause after he's done he could be part owner of a team.

Speaker 2:

He could buy his own team with a billion dollars.

Speaker 1:

He could. But will the Americans let him buy a team? Why wouldn't they? He's Messi. He's the greatest of all time. Yeah, but Messi's valuable as a player. Messi is the owner. It's like Michael Jordan is the owner and as Michael Jordan is the owner, does he have a good team?

Speaker 2:

No, Exactly Okay. Do a lot of owners who didn't play sports have a good team? No, they suck Well.

Speaker 1:

No, those other owners cut their teeth doing something else.

Speaker 2:

Messi represents, but as an owner they suck, they're horrible at being owners. How many NFL owners are really that good? Just seeing garbage teams that have to draft first, you know, in the top five, top 10 picks every single year, except for this year all the NFL teams are kind of like in categories.

Speaker 1:

You've got a bunch of seven and six, seven and five teams, you've got a bunch of eight and four teams Got a bunch of 10, and you got like we still got four weeks left. You got one 10 and three teams Got a couple of 10 and three teams Got a couple of nine and nine and four teams out there. So then the fellow teams are in whatever, but Lionel Messi not only does he get money from his team that signed him, he's getting money from Adidas, he's getting money from Apple, and that's what I know so far, because every time there's a new subscription for MLS, messi gets paid to Apple, every time there's a purchase, and it won't come to a billion dollars.

Speaker 2:

That's a forever. Nobody watches MLS that much here in this country. It's not the Premier.

Speaker 1:

League. No people have eyeballs. There's new eyeballs that came in to watch MLS because of Messi, they never missed that much money. Soccer is international, so whether or not American teams watch, whether or not American audiences watch, just oversee the audience. They want to watch Messi play. That's subscribe, and those subscriptions may go up and he'll get money from that subscription as well, and then he'll get money from Adidas. Probably that's a lifetime contract.

Speaker 2:

Whatever they sell. That's what I'm saying. He's making enough. He's making a lot of money to this. So when you offer him a billion dollars, you could say I don't want to play, I'd rather just come to the United States to get paid last month. That's like an athlete who takes a pay cut to say on a team that's going to be a winner Because he goes. I'd rather get paid less and enjoy my career winning than get paid so much money and just lose. So that's what I respect about him. He really just wants to enjoy his life. He's been so successful and he's like I don't need a billion dollars.

Speaker 1:

He's wanted at every level.

Speaker 2:

I don't need a billion dollars. I mean, I want to enjoy the rest of my 30s. I want to have some fun. Live in Miami Obviously very high Hispanic culture down there. Yeah, you can hang out. Have fun, man. Yeah, yeah, no, that's, that's good. That's good. It's the boss I will be hangs on my for a couple more years.

Speaker 1:

Well, I believe you hang out for a couple more years and then you'll own an MLS team and an expansion team expansion, mls expands faster than any franchise or any league.

Speaker 2:

I've ever known how many teams they have in the league. Now I don't know so many freaking teams.

Speaker 1:

Well, maybe because they have more teams coming in there, go ahead. Maybe because it's going so fast?

Speaker 2:

I mean, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

No, you don't see it because you're not in that you know realm. You're not paying attention to them. But maybe MLS is growing. The audience is growing at such a fast rate. But there's a reason why the audience may be going to such a fast rate. There's a bunch of foreigners coming in via Mexico, so I mean that's going to be the majority of the MLS population. Games are, games are packed when Portland, portland, when the Portland team plays, the games are packed. Portland timbers, I believe. Games are packed. New York and New York has two teams. Ok, go ahead, the Red Bulls and New York City FC. Right, when they play, they both play to packed house.

Speaker 2:

So they draw. They have twenty nine current clubs in the MLS. Twenty nine Well, the thirty two seems to be the magic number. What the NFL has? Thirty two teams now. I think the NBA is trying to thirty two Hawk, I think hockey is a good number, baseball watching thirty two. Thirty two seems to be where everyone wants to be right now. The league does plan to expand to thirty teams in two thousand twenty five for the debut of San Diego. So that'll be the thirtieth team and then it'll expand, and then it may expand to thirty two teams at a later date. So no really official other teams other than San Diego. Oh, ok, ok.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's get back to this incredible, let's get back to show a little tiny in the baseball world. Yes, so Shohei Otani offered seven hundred million dollars over ten years. Yes, that dwarfs the next closest contract in America which was that much else? I know that football player forty five mil, patrick Mahomes. He, he dwarfs it by three hundred to four hundred million. That's how awesome of a contract. He asked. Yeah, because Patrick Mahomes' contract initially was like five hundred million or so for like twelve years, but Shohei Otani's contract dominates it, up and down left and right and Shohei Otani will become the first billionaire. Well, just do contract money alone will be a billionaire, like one of the first billionaire athletes. Like who I played a sport? They pay me. Ok, yeah, instead of not just not endorsements or extra or whatever curricular activities going on or investments. Just like I played a sport, they signed me. They signed a contract to give me the money, which is great for him and great for a future.

Speaker 1:

What's it called? Baseball starts coming up to. Let it be known that there's money in the sport, because in our reality not too many people watch baseball, but somehow they're making the money and they're able to give it away just as fast as they're making it. So kids out there, baseball is a sport to go play. If you're talented enough like Shohei Otani, all good you money. You could easily ask all guaranteed money. Seventy million dollars a year All guaranteed money. Once he starts making it, and the awesome thing about that is taxes will be deferred. So he may not have to, is it that's what I hear? He may not have to pay.

Speaker 2:

So if you lose the Florida when he starts getting paid that money. He won't be. He will get paid the state yeah.

Speaker 1:

You get, you get you, and that is money fully Go ahead. Yeah, so that's that for that.

Speaker 1:

But let's revert back to the football world. Got my boy Cameron Cameron Newton. He made a comment about game change, game managers, yes, and then later on he had to explain himself thoroughly about what he meant by that. But before that they were killing him in media, killing him Like how dare you say that? But a few guys out there look at it. Cam Newton has a resume to talk that talk about football players. He does. He's won an MVP, he's gone to Super Bowl. He's won a work here to year. He's led the league in touchdowns, he's made pro bowls. He's been an all pro player. So if he doesn't have the right to speak what he said, who does? Who does? Who in Stephen A Smith's world? Does who in that guy an undisputed does? They don't Let everybody talk. Everybody can talk how they're. No, no, he has a resume to back up what he's saying. He played.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, people can play and disagree with me.

Speaker 1:

No, they could disagree with them, but to talk down to them as if, like bro oh man, they should never talk down.

Speaker 2:

They should talk down, just man. Man, that's what you think.

Speaker 1:

How dare you spit such venomous crap? It's just like one time Brady said, uh, the sports soft nowadays, nobody jumped at him, but our time Brady's a goat. So yeah, whatever he says, it's whatever. It's not the sports softer now because you know, uh, slot receivers are not getting their head knocked off when they go in the middle, cause you know they're being protected. You can't hit a defense less player. So gear cam Newton, the leeway cam Newton's a latter part of his career.

Speaker 1:

You know it was crappy due to the fact that he got into a bad situations that he shouldn't have gotten into. He got into the Patriots just like weeks before the season started. He went back to the Panthers the season ago. He started and then they inserted him in. It was just, he was just positioned for failure. He wasn't going to succeed. He didn't have a whole off season to learn the system and go ahead out there and show out. He didn't. He was just going to be on a this day. Oh, you could get to play your next game. You're set up for failure. You're not going to succeed.

Speaker 1:

The people that he calls game managers end up in correct situations. Rock Perti, that is the best situation Rock Perti could have ended up in. Matt Jones could have been in that situation. Matt Jones could have flourished. No-transcript. Uh, shanahan, shanahan, kyle.

Speaker 1:

Shanahan is a tremendous coach and some way somehow he makes it work with every quarterback. Jimmy Garoppolo did great in Shanahan system. Matt Ryan did great in Shanahan system. Robert Griffin, the third, did well in Shanahan system, won a look year to year when he was down in Washington Cause Shanahan was, uh, I believe, offensive coordinator or, uh, you know, quality, offensive, quality controls coach or something like that.

Speaker 1:

He was in there though he had an input. So every quarterback that's played in Shanahan system has excelled. He found out, he finds a way to make it work for them. But had Brock Perti ended up with the New England, with uh, uh, uh, dorators, or with, uh, san Diego, any of those other teams he would have, he wouldn't have been he's, he wouldn't be what he is when Brock Brock Perti's worst games were when he didn't have Dibo, he didn't have Christian McCaffrey, he didn't have Trent Williams. So, yes, brock Perti ended up in the right situation, but he's a game manager in the sense that if he doesn't have all the species that compliment him, Okay so he doesn't, he doesn't win.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so was uh, joe Montana a game manager. He's an upper echelon game manager. He's an upper echelon game.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So if he didn't have Jerry Rice or Roger Craig on the team uh, the greatest receiver ever in, jerry Rice. So I mean, if he, if Joe Montana was drafted by the Indianapolis Colts a different career.

Speaker 1:

It's great, it is awesome for you to be drafted in the culture that fits you. That fits you and that you can meld it well. Most quarterbacks don't get that opportunity. You go to the worst team in the roster and if you go to the worst team in the league and if you go to the worst team in the league, they're trying to build around you. When you come, they don't already have a team set in place to like, hey, here you go, this is your team, just drive. Just do what you need to do. Do your part. You don't need to do everybody else's part. Just do your part and you will succeed. Rock Perti just have to pass and do his part to succeed. And if, uh, trent Williams is not in the game, debo Samuel is not in the game, he doesn't have success. It's been shown.

Speaker 1:

And who else did he talk about? That press guy? That press guy maybe more of a not liar, though, because I mean that press guy went to the Cowboy. No, no, he, that press guy, came into the cowboy in a pretty decent situation. They drafted, uh, the guy from Ohio State there, zeke. They drafted Zeke.

Speaker 1:

Running game was awesome. Offensive line, the greatest that I mean number one offensive line and league. So Jack press guy didn't have to drop back and throw 40 times a game, 50 times a game. He threw maybe 20 times a game and Zeke was running fresh, fresh out of college just like hitting the stride, and that press guy to rookie year 13 and three. So Cam Newton has points there. It has some points into what he's talking about. It makes sense. It makes sense because when Dak last year didn't have the team that you know that he should have, he kind of shit the butt. He had like 15 to 20 interceptions on the year and it's such an interception ratio wasn't the greatest. So if Cam doesn't have the right to speak on that situation, I don't know who does.

Speaker 2:

I like. I like anything Cam has to say, whether you agree with it or not. It's interesting. He's enthusiastic, he puts thought behind it. Why not? Why not? Everyone flips out over it, so what?

Speaker 1:

Well, it's been a quiet season-ish, kind of besides Dream on Green's drama. So this isn't too much drama in NFL. There's a lot of backups, sure, but there's not too much drama, like you know. Players getting cut, receivers acting out like Divas. So Cam says something, do we?

Speaker 2:

need. Do we need the drama to make it interesting?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we need. Yes, we do, we do, we do, we absolutely do. Human nature calls for drama. Why I don't?

Speaker 2:

know what's wrong with everybody. And then if you talk to everybody, they're just like God. I hate drama, Right, oh man. We hate it, but when it comes I go on a date with anybody and just be like God, you don't just hate drama, Like, yeah, me too.

Speaker 1:

And drama comes in this?

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no, it's just people love it.

Speaker 1:

Uh-oh Well, to end this topic, though, to end all everything in this episode, today we got. It's a holiday season, all right, and if it's a holiday season, it's a time for giving and time for receiving. And uh, scammers out there trying to receive from me. You keep that in mind. They're out there trying to receive from you. I've been scammed, I've been scammed and I've been taken advantage of that's. I mean. I'll tell those stories at a later date, but just be on the lookout, people.

Speaker 1:

If you are calling customer service, they're asking you to give them gift cards. They're asking you to go purchase gift cards. Don't do it. It's a scam. If you're calling customer service and you missed one number number of that company's a 1-800 number. It's a scammer you're getting, you're meeting up with If you miss one number. If you miss, if you're one number off like a phone call you're making a phone call and you're one number off like Apple care it takes you to a scammer. So they pay attention to that. They pay attention to all those little details to snatch you up and lock you up. So pay attention.

Speaker 1:

It's a holiday season, it's a season for giving and receiving, but do not be the one to get God. If it looks too good to be true, it is too good to be true. That's so everything about life. So don't go out there and be like, yeah, man, I got it like that. You don't.

Speaker 1:

A scam is out there to get you. They don't mean, I mean, they're not doing it out of ill will, they're doing it to survive, but it hurts you when they survive. So it's a double-edged sword and, by the way, you either. It's a double-edged sword. You like to support some of these people and help them out, but you don't know them, so you don't have no connection to them. But they want to make their. I mean, they want to receive their holiday gifts and if it comes out of your pocket, so be it. They don't know you either. They could care less Time for giving, time for receiving scammers or will or Scammers are ramping up to receive. So if you call a 180 money 800 number and they're like, go buy some gift cards, don't say nothing to nobody. And it looks like nothing.

Speaker 1:

No, don't say nothing to nobody. And it's sketchy, it's crazy. Keep that in mind. There's a reason why it's sketchy, all right. There's a reason why it's too good to be true. And if you're on craigslist and you know what craigslist is, they're gonna put a whole bunch of listings out there that look too good to be true and they'll tell you send us the money. Or even if you're selling something, they'll be like oh, we'll send you the money, they'll send you the money, you can ship it to them, but it is not real. They're fake checks that they send you. Make sure you go to your local bank and check it out first before you Send whatever you're gonna send, because you'll have, you'll end up having to pay for that scam and you pay dearly and you won't want that. So keep that in mind. Man, this is my holiday gift to you guys. Everybody out there I'm giving it's called nice, fresh haircut.

Speaker 2:

That's your holiday gift. Yeah, I mean the. The barber blessed me.

Speaker 1:

I had to bless y'all. I'm doing great. I'm gonna do the great.

Speaker 1:

He's out here, you know, you know, the barber blessed me, so I have to bless y'all. I feel good, so I give good, that's right, yeah, I mean. But today's episode sponsored by 19 strings for the heart, andrew's book go check it out. And uh, also today's episode, final cuts media big things to come check us out. We got great songs out there Mr Press, d2, young shark, el cash. Go check them out on audio.

Speaker 1:

Mac, if you're in africa, go check them out on itunes and all the streaming services out there. At play music, the music is out worldwide. Check out final cuts media. Take talk, instagram, facebook, youtube. We're outside. Heavy, baby heavy, not dito anyhow. Uh, also, fanfaces the episodes are on. Uh, the episodes are on youtube. If you want to watch us and look at my, go check out my fresh haircut. You know what I mean. Check out Andrew's fresh jersey. I'm rocking the green, white and blue serillion jersey. Go check it out. It's on youtube. But if you want to hear my silky, smooth voice talk until you like this baby Holla at me, check out the podcast on all streaming platforms apple, amazon, spotify. We're outside and uh, I've given you a gift already for Our fans faces Hi, mama Do I'm gonna decay? Check us out, you.

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