Fan Faces

Breaking Free From Complexity: Harnessing Simplicity and Spontaneity in Life and Art

Amadu Jalloh & Andrew Pender

Ever found yourself spinning in circles of complexity when all you needed was just simplicity? That's the irony of life we often fall into and today, I, Amadu Amadu the great want to share with you how we can unlearn and break free from this cycle. We're dissecting our common tendency to over-complicate, procrastinate, and set unrealistic expectations. I'll be sharing personal experiences, like the simple change in strategy that turned around a social media campaign for a song I managed. Learn how we can harness the power of spontaneity, manage expectations, and embrace the beauty of small steps.

As we navigate the second half of our conversation, I want to challenge you to introspect, to question the complexities we impose on ourselves. Drawing from my journey of starting a podcast, I'll underscore the value of setting deadlines, planning, and most importantly, taking action. I'll help you understand how we often create our dissatisfaction by setting expectations that are just not feasible. So, gear up for a journey of self-discovery and simplification as we tackle life head-on, one straightforward step at a time. Let's hit the trail and discover a new perspective on living life minus the self-imposed complexities.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Pod Short. It's been a while. This is Amadou Amadou, you're great. I'm here today to get some things off my mind that's been bothering me for real and let's have a little chat about what's happening in the world. Some of the topics that I'll be getting into today Keep this in mind. This is one of the best Pod Short you've ever heard. It's gonna be one of the best ever.

Speaker 1:

So, today, some of the topics I want to get into how are we as people, complicate life? Why do we? Why we all help and complicate life, and a little bit about satisfaction not being guaranteed. And also a little bit on the Monday night for walking Buffalo Bills against the Jets, because I mean just a little talk, a little Side note about it. We'll get more in depth into it, more in depth with it on Saturday, on Sunday, on the full podcast episode with my boy, andrew. But how's everybody doing? This is this is the middle of the week hump day. Hopefully you guys are Doing well. And here we go, let's get on it.

Speaker 1:

So, throughout the week, I had this topic in my mind, right, I Was thinking about it all week long, probably like it's been a while now. God, the thought just running through my mind, just eating at me, and I decided I want to let the people know my thoughts on it how and why we complicate life. Why do we? Why do we as human beings, why are we all held bent on complicating life, and I thought that I should delve into it. So whenever we have something to do most people anyways, whenever they have something to do they come up with 10,000 excuses as to why it can't be done or why it's so difficult to get done. But really it's not that difficult. If there's anything you need to do or you want to do, as long as it doesn't kill anybody, doesn't hurt anybody, you should go ahead and do it. It doesn't need to be big steps, just little baby steps until you get to your goal and you it could be, you know, being becoming a better reader or making more social media content. They don't need to be long-form videos. They don't need to be two, three hour videos. You can make a video for social media that's about 15 seconds long and there's an audience for that. You can make a video that's about 30 seconds long. There's an audience for that. You can make a video that's about 10 minutes long or an hour long, does an audience for that? So why are people so held bent on making life difficult?

Speaker 1:

When I first started, when I first wanted to do a podcast, I mean, I did the same thing most people would do. I Talked about it. I hemmed in hall, I thought about the fact that, oh man, I don't know what I'm doing. How am I gonna get this done? But guess what? I was self-taught. I taught myself how to do it and I got to it and I've been going two years strong. I started a little bit at a time. Initially I learned how to record on audacity and then eventually I learned how to do video with audio. And Now everything is all coming full circle. I can put my video on YouTube, on the YouTube platform, and everybody could see me. And I could upload my audio on Bus sprout and everybody could hear me Wherever they are, as long as they have access to internet or they can download the episodes and listen to them wherever they go.

Speaker 1:

So I saw this to say that, to say that I recently had a song, one of my I managed Artists, musical artists. I recently had a song that I, you know, wanted to put a little social media campaign for it and I was thinking, man, we need to make videos. You know a TikTok video, you put the song in any video and you put it out there. So I asked a bunch of people you know, hey, just do a little video, put it out there. You know, put it out there for the masses to see, even if people don't like it, don't? You know? Click the like button, but they see it. They would have heard a snippet and they would be curious to how the song goes.

Speaker 1:

But pretty much all the people, a good amount of people that I ask they made it super, super complicated. I'm like they're like oh, I got to wait for the perfect day. I got to wait for you know, the best look. I got to have the right outfit. And I'm thinking to myself it really isn't that complicated to make a video or to make a TikTok short, a TikTok video, or a short or real, it's not that difficult. All you have to do you could either make a new one or put the music on the old video that you have, and it still does fine, as long as the video is not like some outlandish video.

Speaker 1:

So I made a 15 second video while I was out with the family at Darien Lake and it was pretty quick and I thought it was a dope video. It wasn't glitzy or glamorous or anything like that. I had on a nice outfit. You know I was repping final cuts media but at the end of the day it was a 15 second video. I danced a little bit, I shimmied a little bit and away it goes. I posted it out online and, you know, got some likes, got some views and at the end of the day the main purpose of this project was accomplished, which was to get it out there, make a video, get it out there, put it out for the world. And there are some other videos that I did myself that I have to plan a little bit more for.

Speaker 1:

But at the end of the day it really wasn't that complicated to you know, to uncomplicate life. All I had to do was give it a go, give it a try, and I figured sometimes you could be spontaneous to, you know, uncomplicate things, or you could set deadlines for yourself. Sometimes I could be spontaneous. So this Darien Lake thing I was spontaneous with making that video. But and then I had another video that I was like I needed to make this video today at the certain times I can post it and I had a deadline. So I made a deadline and I set it. Set the deadline and I met the deadline and I accomplished and blew the goal out of water and posted the video online on TikTok. And the video performed very well. I accomplished my goal. I accomplished what I want to put on there.

Speaker 1:

So, please, people, let's stop uncomplicating life. Right and the best way to do it if you're not a spontaneous, individual plan, but make sure you meet your goals. It's just like if you're in school or your boss gives you a date that you need to get something done, what are you going to do? You're going to procrastinate or you're going to get it done. You have to get it done because your livelihood depends on it or, you know, your way of life depends on it. So don't wait for the perfect time, because the perfect time never, ever gets here right. So anytime could be a perfect time. So go ahead, attack it. You don't need to be perfect. Just get the message out there, get the information out there. Let people you know see what you have to create as far as content goes. And also another thing see this hat right here that I'm wearing. This is new hat, new merchandising for the podcast Fan faces. So you know, if you want to support us 20 bucks, you can get a hat. Fan faces, dope hats, sturdy, durable hat to snap back. So you're good to go, come, get right, donate to the fan faces merchandise store and get you a hat for 20 bucks. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Anyhow on to satisfaction. Satisfaction is never guaranteed. People tell you that you know it's your money, you do what you want with it. You could do whatever you want with it, and they can't. They don't have the right to tell you how to spend it. But underneath it all, they're constantly asking for the money, constantly asking for ways to get the money from your hands. They'd say they don't want to tell you how to spend it, but they're dictating how you spend it by constantly asking for it. Stop dictating. I'm going to give you what I give you and at the end of the day, I gotta do what I gotta do for me.

Speaker 1:

All right, if I give you something, you come, you turn around a week later, a month later, and you're like can I get something else? And I'm like no, respect it, it's all good. There's no ill will between us. All right, it's strictly. You know I'll give you again when I feel like it's right. You don't have to beat me down, you don't have to batter me. You know what I mean, so just keep that in mind.

Speaker 1:

Satisfaction is not guaranteed. I'll give you my shirt. You want my pants? I give you my pants. You want my shoes? I give you my shoes. You want my socks? I give you a nice hat you want. You're wondering why you can't get the? Half of you wondering why you can't get the. You can't come over and eat my food Never guaranteed. So we got to set boundaries, we got to set lines and limits. Don't let anybody run you over Unnecessary. You give them what you give them, as long as you feel good about it and you know you've done a good job. Oh, you did a good deed. That's all that counts, really, cause nobody, nobody, should be a dictating to you how and when and why and what you spend on. As long as you go out, then try to earn it the right way. All right, all right.

Speaker 1:

On to the next topic at hand the Buffalo Bills. The Buffalo Bills Monday night game. I was sitting there. I'm just going to speak on a little bit. I was very hyped and very ready to go. All right, game time, you know, 815 kickoff happens. I was like wow, my heart was even skipping a beat. Aaron Rodgers gets to play against excuse me, aaron Rodgers gets to play against Josh Allen. Well, defense versus offense, offense versus defense you get the gist and Aaron Rodgers plays in one series on offense and he gets hurt.

Speaker 1:

I was severely sad for him. I was bummed out. I was like man, that sucks. He only played one series of the whole entire game and he just got hurt, just like that. That was game. It wasn't even a hard hit, it was just, you know, a weird fall and he hurt his Achilles and he's out for the rest of the season. Tell you what Jets fans, that really sucks.

Speaker 1:

And also, when it comes to people saying you're your five, kent Dorsey, it's only one game. Right, the offensive coordinator came, put out the play plays on to the quarterbacks headphones, but the quarterback has to execute and execute wisely. So who do you really blame for that? Right, it's difficult, but I hope Buffalo could straighten it out. It's only one game. The house isn't burning. They have 16 more chances to get it right. So hopefully they can write this ship and Josh Allen, could you know, play a little smarter and not? You know, it's not balls to the wall every play and you need to be more cognizant of your surroundings. And this is not preseason football anymore, this is the real deal. So go out there and go shine, josh. I know you can and you're super, super talented, so I'm with you, but you got to execute the plays at the highest capability that you can.

Speaker 1:

Alright, but today's episode is sponsored by Final Cuts Media. Check out Final Cuts Media and Final Cuts Media artists. Check out Young Shark on all streaming platforms. This song, with MacMooday's Out Now called why it's out on all platforms. Go check it out. Tell a friend to tell a friend to listen to Young Shark, alright. And then the next artist in line, mr Press Go listen to my Land. It's his newest and greatest hit. It's out on all platforms as well. The video's on YouTube. Go check it out, share it, tell your friends to tell your friends. Tell your friends to tell friends. Great songs. I got some great artists. They're doing great work. And also go check out Rain the Reaper, rapper from Sierra Leone. All of these guys are from Sierra Leone. Go check them out. Rain the Reaper, talented rapper, talented, talented young man from Sierra Leone, west Africa. He's doing great things. Go check them out. His music is out on all streaming platforms and YouTube, itunes, spotify, amazon. Check it out, you won't regret it.

Speaker 1:

Alright, I appreciate you all for hanging in there with me. Thank you all for coming in and keeping me company tonight. I'm glad I got some of this stuff out of my mind and onto the microphone. It's now on wax. Maybe I'm gonna do the great. This is a pod short. It's been great. Check you guys out later you.

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